About Lane

Lane Faison is a full-stack web developer currently studying at Galvanize in Denver, Colorado. Lane is a United States Marine Corps veteran and a graduate of the University of Colorado at Boulder with a degree in Mathematics. After college, Lane spent 18 months in the IT industry working as a technical recruiter. During that time he was exposed to a world of exciting and incredibly innovative companies. Wanting to be a part of the IT movement, Lane left the recruiting world to take on the six-month immersive web developer program at Galvanize.


Lane's first goal is to soak up every ounce of knowledge he can while in the Galvanize program so he is well-prepared to take on a junior developer position upon graduation. This industry requires a never-ending pursuit of knowledge and it continues to evolve year after year. Thus, one of his goals is to keep up with trending technologies while never losing focus on the core tools he is best at. He would also like to be working full-time after graduation on a strong development team where he can learn something new every day from his colleagues. His final goal is to travel to Africa and Southeast Asia within the next 5 years.

Tools & Technologies:

html5 logo css3 logo javascript logo angular logo jquery logo node logo bootstrap logo atom logo git logo github logo heroku logo balsamiq logo

Eager to Learn About:

C# logo swift logo react logo